
Home Welcome to the Forum Member Resources Gameification?

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      2 Staters
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      I’m thinking of adding ranks/assets/achievements that users can unlock to basically gameify the site.  Some of the fake promo stuff I made reflects these “Quests” where users are rewarded with limited edition badges for completing specific tasks.  I’m also tempted to utilize this same system to allow for subtraction of points/assets in lieu of minor moderation disciplinary actions.


        2 Staters
        0 Favor

        I’m looking at the added option of having nominations for assets / awards. That may just cause more conflict and run itself down into a popularity contest.

        Currently, I’m setting up several series of tasks that will result in rising ranks and awarding of badges/assets. There will also be monthly opportunities to earn limited edition badges.

        Badges seem slightly lame – what if they were weapons (swords and the like)?

          2 Staters
          0 Favor

          I’m setting up assets, ranks and medals.

          So far for assets, there is the Stater and the Favor. The Stater coin (from ancient Greece, featuring Demeter’s profile), is rewarded for actions related to posting threads, commenting, etc. The Favor (the image is a heart-shaped monarchist badge from the time of Charles I of England) is rewarded for actions related to building a social network, like accepting friend requests, joining groups, inviting others to groups, etc.

          I’m tempted to make a 3rd method of interacting with the site geared more for Lurkers (“liking”, sharing, reporting spam, etc), but that might be too complicated.

          Basically these points will be used to earn ranks of different sorts. I’m going to work on setting up the steps to earning ranks in the next few nights, with a progress tracker for each user and a leader list.

            2 Staters
            0 Favor

            A “Founding Member” medal is now live – there are 10 of these available to members who are testing the site.

            There are 8 steps to earn the medal – all items that help test out the site in general.

            8 Required Steps

            Register during Site Test
            Log into site
            Update your profile picture
            Send a friendship request
            Add an update to the activity feed
            Join any group
            Reply to the gamification thread (this thread)
            Mark any thread as a “Favorite”

            EDIT: From an art / design standpoint, I’m not sure if the “woodcut” look is better for the medals or a more “vector art” graphic, with only 3 colors or so.

              57 Staters
              13 Favor

              Here’s a comment… to test out how well the program can differentiate between “reply to a thread” versus “reply to this specific thread”… we shall see.

                2 Staters
                0 Favor

                I’m thinking of adding a new category of “status” items for users to unlock – “tools and weqpons”. These are items that can be bought with assets (stater coins and favor, both awarded for basic, positive actions on the site). By accumulating different sets of weapons, clothing and tools, users can unlock custom ranks / titles, loot drops, access to private groups, etc.

                Here’s a Sample Item, just as an example.

                  57 Staters
                  13 Favor

                  Here’s the updated link to the sample item:

                  Parrying Dagger

                  As I’m designing some of these items, I want to make sure that they represent the difference geographical/periods of history… ancient Roman Legionary, Hussar, Knight, Mantua-maker, etc. The titles to be unlocked need to also represent those eras. Any suggestions would be appreciated… in the mean time, I have to focus on the obvious: encouraging membership and marketing the site. ?

                    16 Staters
                    4 Favor

                    I want this medal. Here’s a comment.

                      17 Staters
                      2 Favor

                      You comment here to earn a medal?

                        27 Staters
                        3 Favor

                        I think gamification is fine, as long as it doesn’t incentivize spammy posting or mutual liking just to gain clout or whatever. But we’re really small at the moment, so these concerns are a while in the future

                          27 Staters
                          3 Favor

                          This doesn’t seem to be working. I did all of the required steps but I haven’t got any notification or anything

                            2 Staters
                            0 Favor

                            @historycourses , I will work on this. Your join date was a few days before the Founder’s medal went live, so those first steps were not logged. You should see them appear in the activity log in a few minutes – otherwise I will just push it through manually.

                            Thanks so much for your feedback!

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