Was George Washington a Great Tactician?

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      In the US, people seem to act like George Washington was an excellent general, but how did he compare to the British from a strategic standpoint?

      Did he win the Revolution with his abilities or because of the help from the French and the failures of the British?

        57 Staters
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        George Washington’s presence on the battle field was often linked to the Continental Army being very much on the loosing side. This may have been mere coincidence. Washington was most notably a uniting and inspiring leader – but perhaps he was not always the best tactician. Luckily he had a circle of trusted friends and advisors to help steer him in the right direction.

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          He was very much not a great tactician. He was mediocre. He seriously bungled his dispositions during the 1776 New York campaign, so much so that had he not been rescued by a fog following his defeat on Long Island he would have lost virtually his entire force on the banks of the East River. At the Battle of Long Island itself, he was outflanked easily by the British, and he repeated the same error at Brandywine.

          He was a man of incredible poise, stoicism, and strength, however; and it was his perseverance when catastrophe seemed all but guaranteed that ultimately earned him his place in the American pantheon.

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